Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Starting to figure it all out..

After one week of living in Florence, I am starting to figure it all out. While I am still not a pro I am better at living here than I was a week ago. The things I have mastered so far:
1)If you have ever been to Florence you know that the cars are crazy! The first day of being here I would stop at a crosswalk and wait about 5 minutes until the cars would stop. But now, I just close one eye and cross! The cars will stop.. I have learned this from my host family and all of the other local Italians. You just have to be forceful that you are crossing the street and cars will stop. According to my Uncle Bob I need to find nuns because everyone stops for them, but I think I am doing ok without the nuns.
2) I started Italian on Monday and am beginning to learn the language. I decided to order a coffee this morning just because I was proud I could say "Passo avere un caffe regulare" and the man understood me and I got exactly what I wanted. While I am no where even close to conversational Italian, I am beginning to learn the basics.
3) I have successfully booked my first flight using ryanair! We will see how I do when I actually have to take the flight, but I am officially going to Barcelona for spring break. All of my other travels are still in the process of being decided. But so far it is looking like Paris for Valentine's day weekend and London for my birthday weekend!
4) I now know some of the history of Florence and all about the Medici family, that have a lot to do about Florence's past. I also learned the story of The David and many other statues! I learned the reason that the Fleur de lis or the Gilo is everywhere is because France really helped Florence out many years ago and therefore Florence has the symbol of France everywhere.
5) I now know about the Prime Minister of Italy, Bertalone, and all of the trouble he is in for using underage prostitutes and lieing about anything. According to my host family Clinton is a god compared to Bertalone. However, he still has 3 more years and will most likely stay in office for that long.
6) I found and joined a gym and will be going to Italian bodysculpting today. So we will see how that goes! I also figured out a great running path and was surprised to learn that many people in Italy run!
7) I have figured out that the bread, wine, cheese, and olive oil just taste better here. If it is the cheapest bottle of wine, it will still taste good.
8) Most importantly, I have figured out how to twirl spaghetti!!!! For the first time in my life, I twirled my spaghetti instead of cutting it into small pieces! This is a huge accomplishment for me..

What I have yet to figure out is how the Italians are all so skinny

1 comment:

  1. I love #5... it's like the black sheep of the entry that's why haha!
